WHOLE Women’s Conference Info Meeting for Church & Ministry Leaders

Attention all Church Leaders, Women’s Ministry Leaders, College Ministry Leaders, Student Ministry Leaders and any other ministry leader who works with teen girls and/or adult women … we want to invite you to attend a very brief informational meeting on Saturday, April 6 about our WHOLE Women’s Conference, featuring Dannah Gresh, Annie Lobert and Lisa Whittle.

What makes our conference unique this year is that WHOLE 2013 will be held entirely ONLINE via web streaming and presented for FREE (on Saturday, September 7).

We are all about community here. So while attending a conference in one’s pajamas sounds great, we would very much LOVE and PREFER for women to gather together to attend this conference. And that’s where you come in. What better place to have women gather together than at a church, college campus or other ministry location in their own backyard … where true community is already taking place?

This non-committal informational meeting on Saturday, April 6 at 10am CST will serve as your opportunity to learn more about WHOLE Women’s Conference (speakers, topics, purpose, etc.), what it would look like for you to host (technology, promotional needs, etc.) and a chance to answer any questions you might have (you ask it, we’ll answer it). Please use the link below to register!


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This meeting is not intended for women who are just interested in attending and want more information. For information about the conference itself, including how to register, visit WHOLECONFERENCE.COM.


  1. I am interested! I work with tweens, teens, and college girls , and have ladies who help who could possibly gather. Would like to hear more!

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